Someone just knocked the dilapidated door today. Thought it is you. It was the mischievous breeze, bringing the message of showers that were to make the earth scented again....
The gentle wind is embracing me and memories of you are all over, flying like curtains of the open window.

Would you like to walk? You too like walking, don't you? I wish we had gone for long walks. We always had so much to talk albeit i went silent most of the times.
Anyway. Music is a great friend too...lemme switch on my Apo....Hey, i see reflection of me on my favourite car.
I see sky and a barren tree
a metaphor of my heart?
"...I tried so hard to tell myself that you are gone" plays
Yeah yeah laugh! Your thoughts are as ruthless as you are.
Music in my ears engulfs the noise around. Seems like i am witnessing a silent movie
as i turn deaf to rest of the world much like i do..ok did...when i heard you speak...
No worries, i tell myself. Monsoons, like people in our lives, don't stay forever...
Seasons would change like the music on Appu. "Hate that I love you..." Appu is getting smarter.
Hmm i smell rain. And i feel the drops. Like your memories weren't enough to drench

very romantic.looks like u got hurt in luv
naah...not hurt. Just loved
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