Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end.......
~Says Nelly Furtado~
Says me too! I am getting senti as one of the best phases in my life has reached the dusk stage...The sun that rose on January 4, 2007 had set on July 4, 2007 but myriad colours had still managed to keep the sky beautiful. The colours too have faded now..... It seems to be the darkest hour of the.....
(Okay let me come to the point before it gets too dramatic and abstract)
Times School of Journalism (The Times of India) welcomed its fourth batch on 4 January, 2007. It was a scary day. On the very first day we were loaded with four fat books and assignments(now that I am writing I noticed there are too many fours involved....could that possibly signify anything??).

Anyways, as days passed earth seemed to be spinning faster on its axis. Hours passed in the blink of an eye. Day turned into night in no time. Number of assignments seemed to be having competition with the rising sensex. Sleeping hours reduc....wait a minute what??? sleeping....it is sheer wastage of time. Being insomniac is such a bliss....gives you a lot more time to plan the assignments and crib about them.....yeah cribbing about the work load soon becomes enjoyable. Isn't it? There was a phase when we had forgotten the days of the week. The only form of answer to "Kal kya hai?" was Radio journalism assignment, Suparna mam's presentation, book presentation etc etc
We soon learnt to laugh at it. Faces that had the grace of a royal palace now looked as inelegant as the slums in Dharavi. But we (including all the girls) learnt to live with it. The joy of dressing up gracefully was replaced with the gratification of stealing a few moments from the oh-so-busy-routine.
In those stolen moments we tried to catch up with the scraps waiting for us on orkut. Those moments were reserved for absolutely unimportant mails in our inbox, for the calls unattended as we were busy sleeping...no no..attending lectures, for sitting and gossiping at the RDB spot, for going down for a cup of coffee, for going to the canteen only to hear there is nothing left for us, for preparing for channel presentations and play, for active and passive smoking, for preparing for the next lecture, for planning to bunk the lecture, surviving some harmless pranks, and laughing.......
Saturdays were the best days. Did not have assignments on saturdays. Few moments of the afternoon were dedicated to 'relaxation dancing' by two great dancers. Then a movie in Film, Art & Theatre class. After a heavily hectic week, we considered it our right to enjoy saturday evenings....those were spent mostly in CP or deciding where to go and ultimately landing in CP......Ah those evenings in Central Park, in pubs n discs, on footpath, in Mac Donalds, in Janpath, in and outside American Center......And every evening when did not mind walking an extra mile to eat or at least get the aroma of Pao Bhaji, have ice cream full of fruits n nuts (just for Rs 10, bhuttas and quick bites at the bakery...
Sundays passed by in pending assignments and with wikipedia preparing for book presentation the next day.
Six months passed with such a routine. The routine gifted us the stamina to remain awake almost all night (and catch up with sleep in clas..shhhh); meet deadlines; think of excuses for entering late in classes; ability to --deal with biasness and prejudices (only TSJ students will understand this), make presentations without preparation and live an unpredictable life.
It gave us some invaluable friends and time we'd cherish forever...
Internship is putting us all in different locations. It's hard even to imagine to be living without seeing other 19 faces.... Sheesh...why do all good things come to an end?
For better ones to begin, i guess.
there are so many things i echo in your post
1. internships, assignments, presentations - The karma of engineering guys too! (And you thought it was just you who hated it :p)
2. Changes in preference orders... with gelling your hair finally falling below making sure u hav ur driving license in your pocket.
3. orkut. can i fraandshap you?
4. the number 4. My favorite. Wow, this wasnt intentional!
Insmonia is indeed a bliss. it is 4.01 am on my comp.
PS: absolutely adore the way you write
Nicely written. The way you describe things give the reader a good idea about what you're feeling...which is hard to do without going on and on and on. Like I am right now.
and thanks for the comment on the blog:)
heyy...u echo my wrds...though defi ur 2nd coll life has bn lot more exciting and happening dan nethng i have experienced...but dat song...it just describes my current state of my mind (u know if u have seen my profile lately)...we all hate the life we have n crib about the work all the time n by the time we get used 2 all dis...its time 2 leave..but life's all about changes..whats stationery is not life...i hope u agree with that...n i do luv d way u put those words across...kp goin..!!
@ Thanks Acid tongue!
...and i adore the way you comment!!
Thanks...that's a huge compliment :)
@ richa
yeah Rich i agree with you.....n i can perfectly well understand your state of mind :)
Thanks. really appreciate it. and talking about adoring, there's a new addition to the list - your blog picture :D
the experience can be sumed up in 4 lines
"yaadein jiya tadpaiye
in aakhoin mein,
vo need na aaye
ye maan tadpta jaye"
yaadein...baas vo yaadein..always keep this priceless treasure with you ;)
Huff!!!Huff!!!Huff!!!Huff!!!Huff!!! That's what I felt after reading your post. Hats off to you.
nice blog..u have been blogrolled!!
hey that was a very nice post...i could imagine everything! professional courses take all ur energy..but at the same time they give you the best learning...n bestttt moments to cherish!
and yes..i somehow missed ur comment on my blog that was given long back..thanks :)
i just cant write about this anymore..
awesome awesome layout.. and i love that song..:)
cool .. nice way of expressing urself ..
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