These days I like to believe I am traveling on the road to spirituality. I feel a deep connect with the power that rules all. I am not a Sikh by religion but have always found tranquility in Gurudwaras. I feel powered by the mool mantra written in the Guru Granth Sahib...Here goes
Ek Onkar.....(Mool Mantra)
Ek Onkar Satnam -- One God; truth is his name
Karta Purkh -- he is the creator
Nir Bhao -- without fear
Nir Vair -- without malice
Akal Murakh - without existence
Ajuni Saibhan - beyond birth, self existent
Gur Prasad- By God's grace
hey 'creative mind'
something in common...
even though i am not a sikh..
but i am a regular visitor to Gurudwara....
i find so much peace there...every sunday afternoon.. i make sure i sit there for a hour or so..till the ardas...
Nice article....
I have seen such a post from anyone after a long time… feeling really good.
‘The mool Mantra’, is so beautiful and so powerful, only when we realize it we can understand our existence here is for a purpose ….
The purpose is to give a meaning to the self, to appreciate his creations, to give love and respect to everyone; above all our parents, to feel the pains of others living beings, to thank the life we are living and to believe in the truths of life that ‘we came here with empty hands and we will go in empty hands and in between whatever we did will remain here only’.
We are nothing but mere powerless animals, we can’t live here for a sec without his permission and our astitva is so tightly bond with him.
May good bless you :)
Sometimes I feel as if u were speaking my words! Path to spirituality starts with the self.
Be blessed with peace.
Had heard these lines many times, in movies as well as in gurudwaras, but never knew their meaning. was nice to know that. They are really great words. Thanks!!
your opening lines are so very true. it seems i know everything abt myself, but still wonder, who talks inside me wen my lips don.
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