And it is that time of the year again when I along with a group of friends sit m(ostly at Ansal Plaza) staring at people celebrating this festival of love. The heart shape ballons appear to be smiling (read mocking) at us. Invitations to parties clearly ask us to stay away. 'Losers 'appears to be the word for us.
None of us in the gang cribs about the 'single' status each one of us bears. except on this day.

And it's nothing more than the inability of being a part of this grand festivity. Though a lot of us argue that we can anyway celebrate the day but the reasons do not seem convincing enough. So, we all get together cause we think losers sit at home on 14th of feb.
A friend on gtalk (not part of the gang) questioned me "Is being single a crime?"
Another friend said the celebrations do not bother him since he is busy attending FOSLA meetings on every V-day.
Fosla being Frustrated One sided Lover's Association.
i just got something to write upon...well actually i did..ya but that was on break-ips...haa haa
in my opinion, relationships of all kind sud cum to u naturally n not like 'she has a dog, so i too will have a dog'
kheir sab bakwaas hai, vday concept in itself..i mean if u luv somebdy, u r suppose to love her/him everyday...wht happens that day is couples get a chance to show their love in public, which they cant on normal days and that pins up singlers!!
now the flipside
wht happens if u hav to meet the HOD of ur dept on vday to discuss ur already cancelled final yr project :P...if not for a girl, roses n daffodils for him surely :)
AG (a rookie FOSLA)
losers...hmm...couldn't it be looked at in a different way...well we(yes i too belong to this category :) ) don't have the time for all these...and that there are more important things to do in life...
You may be single, lonely, but you are not alone :)
Yes, you hit the point- those balloons pain sometimes.
I don't know if losers is the correct word, I think free-spirits is a better choice.
And as far as frustration in one sided love is concerned, that's not always the case. You can be happy even when the other person is not reciprocating to your feelings.
I agree completely. The fact that I comment says I do care abt Valentines'. I think all the 'single and free' is sour grapes.
Next year If I'm still single (scary but possible).. I'm gonna be like.. who Valentine.??? Woh kaun hai?
very well said ..after watching people celeberating loads on one single day reminds us(singles)....but the fact is love is to be celeberated every single day of ur life....:-)and not just on 14th all singles should be happy coz they r not losers they are winners...full of freedom!
Neat post. Check my blog for similar sentiments :D
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