Wikipedia describes the word ‘mother’ as the biological or social female parent of a child or offspring. But the meaning of this word which perhaps means the world to a child, goes much beyond that. Its because of her that a child comes to this earth and she is the one who introduces him to the rest of the world. Being the first teacher, she is the one who instills the value system in her child.
"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."- said Abraham Lincoln. And true it is. Its said that children are like clay and this clay is moulded into a fine human by the potter called “mother”.
Of all the relations one has in life the most important is that with mother. She is the one who understands all your troubles even before you thought of sharing them with her. She is the night watchman for her baby to hear the slightest turn of her baby. She is a perfect nurse and a wonderous doctor who surprisingly has cure for every little disease you had. She can fix it all. May be she has some magic in her hands else how else could all your worries and fears be relieved just with one touch of hers?? She is a councellor, a referee for all those silly disputes you are struck in…….she is the light at the end of the tunnel.
But perhaps a mother is quite underpaid. Her baby usually forgets that all she did for him was not just her duty. The day she first holds him in her arms she falls in love with her creation! And it is for this love she works day and night to turn that clay into someone unique….. someone perfect. Of all the rights of women the greatest is motherhood. a mother is an angel for her child. “Ma”, “mom”, “mamma”, “amma”- call her by any name she is the epitome of God on this earth.
A jewish proverb very aptly puts this as God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.
Don't have anything more to add. You have aptly potrayed the God's gift to life. Wonderful!
nice wriings
i dnt know y ihavent found ur blog b4..loved readig it.......do inform when ever u pour in ur thots nxt...wil love 2 watch and comment
Mother.....can never define that word.
Btw...nice blog.Loved most of the poems of yours :)
read this somewhere a few days back...
"They asked me for a very short poem on love
I said Mother
If it was my mom who had asked for it, it wud hav been shorter
As 'U' "
... again, nice blog.
Mother, Well. I got no words to comment on this writing. Once someone said that if we try and describe God.We are just limiting his image and hi actual powers. I would say even the word, the character Mother. Too is somewhat not supposed to be described... hey don’t think that I am discouraging you. It was your effort. But I feel I would limit my mother’s image if I wrote about her... There s so much to her...
Purva dear... nice job... u hav inspired me to create my own blog... u write beautifully!!!
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