a perfect life.....
Last evening the discussion with one of my friends gave a lot of food for thought.
For some reason she was quite irritated and frustrated with her life! Thinking about
One of our common friends who had almost everything one could desire (or so it seemed!), she told me she wished she too could have a perfect life.
This sentence made me ponder as to what a “perfect” life could mean? My dear friend
Replied that if she had “such and such” thing her life would be perfect….
And I guess that is what we all think. Don’t we? And when we attain “that” we have a new “such and such” thing that could make our life perfect!
In this cycle of attaining something we ignore our present and that too with no regrets!
How wonderful our lives could be if we realize that our life is NOT going to be perfect rather we would have to find perfection in what we have right now and truly start enjoying the moment rather than wanting it to be something else!
Life could be perfect if we start learning to love life while it is too hot outside; there is too much pollution in air or too many mosquitoes around…
There’s something positive in every situation. The magic perhaps, is to identify it.
Lets try making best out of the worst. Let’s not wait for life to be perfect and start celebrating the imperfection!
Also got published here
a very well written and motivating article. keep up the good work!
- prachi
soo true and soo eye opening article- An intelligen thought- right here right now hai khushi ka saama.... gr8 you are a star!!- vaishali(megha bhatia)
Hey,its Damn good..Jus amazing d way u wrote it...M really inspired....Good..hope to read more of ur articles in future..
a perfect life.......
today while stiing here and cruising around Blogs..... should i say wasting time or investing time...should i say how lame a life can get or how great this is to know more of people..
mixed and millions of emotions....
and that's when i come across ur blog and hence the Writeup "what's a perfect life"
as i type the vision of perfect life once i had crosses my head.
almost what ever is possible and whatever can be wished was there then back in those days.
and now after 2 years of fall.... steep and straight fall...... i still have a perfect life...
u would feel why am i saying all this to you......maybe your writeup struck the cord and Bang the music started.
as a blogger and an artist"bloggers are artists...think about it"
if your work had tingled somone's heart ... means your work has solved a purpose..
this the way i say"Great"
continue the Good work......
sorry missed the whole point what intented to write....
i agree with your point of view and as i see myself i say....life is always perfect Purva....... just so perfect....... its our point of view which is imperfect..... life has to offer only perfection and hence the pain comes as a way to perfection......
its not as easy said and done.....its just the matter of acception......
@ Vipul
yeah true 'acceptance' and 'rejection' play very vital role in one's life. too a large extent they shape up our perception of life.
Thanks for ur encouraging words. They are very precious to me.
Hey I stumbled across your blog searching the net for what ppl think abt Fountainhead.. the last book I ever enjoyed. Cuz i enjoyed it so much that its not posible to enjoy anything lesser than Fountainhead.
N this post is so similar to wat i wrote. I m copy pasting it here I hope its ok ?? ...
I am a dreamer.one who loves to chase his dreams and when they become reality i do not stay with them. cuz then i have new dreams to chase. Hope Keeps me going. In the end its the journey that matters and not the destination.
hi purva...just happened to read this post...need i say that it was very realistic and just the way we all end up thinking! However, we tend to ignore the present by mulling over things that are not in our control. Instead, by enjoying the present we can be much happier within...and that in itself would mean that we are closer to perfection :)
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